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Elink Security
ensures that every client must know the most suitable camera locations and the out put of each camera before physically putting these on proposed spots. For this purpose one of our Engineers always visits the sites for free pre contract survey. This service involves mounting a test camera on one after the other location and either the video is shown real time to the client or the survey video is made available to the client for his/her satisfaction. It helps our client in making a decision to go ahead with formal installation of the complete system.

Our CCTV systems record and store footage from all cameras etc. for a minimum period of 31 days with facilities to display, review and back up both locally and remotely. These features provide quality evidence sufficient to assist the police or other Law enforcing bodies in the investigation of a possible criminal offence including on-going surveillance where the criteria are met as authorized by a nominated officer following discussions with the police or other enforcing bodies. It ensures quality video evidence, which enables police or the council to take civil criminal action in courts where necessary.          





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Elink Security

+44 (0) 203 002 8493 Fax: +44 (0) 208 150 6232   email: info@elinksecurity.co.uk